Physical Therapy Fremont NE

Exciting News – New location!

Physical Therapy Fremont NE

As of Jan 22nd Fremont Therapy & Wellness has moved to a new larger location on Bell street. Just 10 blocks south at 410 N Bell St. Located 3 blocks south of Military, across from Sweet Shoppe. This building was also once known as the Medicine Chest. We have much more space and privacy rooms for treatments, 2 changing rooms for the water treadmill, a 80×12 foot turf area and some new equipment. Our Pelvic Health therapist and Lymphedema therapist have their own private treatment rooms.

We are planning an Open House for patients and friends on Feb. 24th from 10am – 4pm with some treats and drawings, so mark your calendars for your chance to come see the new clinic.

Thanks for trusting us with your care and recommending our clinic to your friends and family.

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