Sports Performance Testing

Improving Performance with Testing
Gathering data is a valuable took in measuring and improving athletic performance. This helps Physical Therapists and Coaches adjust training programs, modify treatment and movement techniques and implement programs to maximize athletic performance in our patients and athletes.

Fremont Therapy & Wellness has expanded our testing abilities beyond anyone in our area. We have added VALD ForceDecks which measure strength and power during dynamic movement. Using sensors embedded in the surface of the plates they collect real-time date which can be consistently measured each date the athlete is tested. Force Plates had typically been used in research, but the technology is now used regularly in many Division 1 programs including Nebraska to track improvements, assess asymmetries side to side, and determine muscle fatigue due to overtraining.

Why Should I Get Tested?

What gets measured gets managed and what is measured gets done. Athletes want to WIN.

How do you know you're Winning in your training without a clear baseline measurement?
Book an appointment for your sports assessment today and ask how VALD ForceDecks can help you maximize your performance in training or competition.

When Should I Get Tested?
Athletes can get tested at any time because growing adolecents should show improvements year to year. However, we recommend before doing any structured lifting or conditioning program and then again at 6-8 weeks or the end of the training program.

How Long Does Testing Take?
Arrive 10 min prior to your appointment to fill out some basic paperwork needed to enter into our system. Once it is your appointment time you will be instructed to do a basic warm-up and then testing will take approx. 1 hour.

What Is The Cost of Testing?
Initial Testing is $125 due to length of test and extensive data collected. Follow up sessions are $100.

Will I Get My Results That Day?
Much of the data can be given to you on the day of testing. We do need some time to more extensively evaluate and write up your VALD testing scores and compare to others in your age group and that will be mailed to you within 3-5 days.

MEASURING Baselines and Tracking Progress
Establishing an initial baseline of physical performance of an athlete especially as they move through a training program and are growing and developing can be extremely beneficial to see progress. By recording key metrics at the start of training and then at the end of training or the next year, our Physical Therapists and Coaches have reference points against which to compare future measurements.

Data Recorded

  • Height
  • Weight
  • Reach
  • Broad Jump
  • Vertical Jump with Vertec
  • Triple Jump
  • Pro-Agility Test
  • 10-yard speed
  • Vald FordeDeck Testing - Counter movement jump, drop jump, Isometric mid-thigh pull, isometric squat hold (and more)
  • There may be some additional tests.

To set up an initial sports performance test today between 7am and 6pm… please contact us or call (402) 512-3893

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